The work is a new trial to measure free surface wave in fluid-shell coupled system, and the experimental results are of significant references for further theoretical study. 这是对壳液耦合系统中自由表面波进行实验测试的新尝试,为今后的理论研究提供了可靠的实验数据。
Brief description of numerical method research of free surface seepage 具有自由面渗流问题的数值方法研究简述
The distance from the impermeable base to the free surface is a function of space and time. 由隔水底板至自由面的距离是空间和时间的函数。
Global analysis of heat transfer in CZ single crystal growth furnace ( 3): effect of free surface shape 单晶生长炉全局热分析(3)&自由界面形状的影响
Numerical simulation of free surface turbulence flow The rotameter is not satisfactory for fluids containing solids. 带有自由表面紊流流场的数值模拟这种流量计不适用于带有固体的流体。
The principles and implementations of using feedback iteration method for predicting and eliminating the free surface multiples are described. 阐述了利用反馈迭代法预测井压制自由表面多次波的基本原理和实现步骤。
The theory of stability of a liquid with free surface is applied to understand the'humping'phenomenon in bead formation during high speed welding. 应用具有自由表面的流体稳定性理论,解释了高速焊接时驼峰焊道的产生机理,并通过对熔池形成过程的实时图像采集对该理论进行了验证。
In conclusion, it is showed that only when spinning rate is very small and surface tension is very large, the effect of liquid sloshing on free surface to the stability of body is obvious. 结果表明只有当自旋速率较小,液体表面张力较大时,自由液面晃动对腔体运动稳定性才有明显影响;
A semi-implicit finite difference model for non-hydrostatic3D free surface flows is analyzed and discussed. 利用半隐式有限差分方法对非静水压强假设下的三维自由面流动问题进行模拟与讨论。
Study on Mathematic Methods for the Free Surface Problem and the Patch Test Function 自由表面问题和分片检验函数的数学方法研究
Three-dimensional non-hydrostatic model for small amplitude free surface flows with unstructured grid 基于非结构化网格上的三维微幅自由表面流动非静压数值模型
We will have focal point study for moving and fixing grid law etc., have the application to the free surface search of he impressure influent fields. 在数值模拟中重点对移动和固定网格法等进行了研究,并应用固定网格法对无压渗流场自由面进行了搜索计算。
The phenomenon of spallation in the free surface of the concrete under tensile stress wave was explained. 解释了混凝土自由面在拉应力波作用下的层裂现象。
Generating algorithm of principle curvature isolines of free surface based on rectangle mesh tracking 基于矩形网格追踪法的曲面主曲率等值线生成算法差率不好的记录曲线
Numerical modeling of free surface flows with SPH method 基于SPH的自由表面流动数值模拟
Numerical Simulation to Phenomenon of Main Vessel Free Surface Flow Impact Coping for Fast Reactor by Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method 基于移动粒子法的快堆自由表面流体对容器顶盖冲击现象的数值模拟
Testing for Drag Force of Cylinder Flowing Around by Uniform Water Flow with Free Surface and Finite Depth 有限深度均匀水流中圆柱阻力测试研究
The Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics ( SPH) method is presented to simulate the fluid-structure interaction with a free surface. 提出了光滑质点水动力学法,对具有自由面的水流(体)与建筑物相互作用问题进行了数值仿真。
The improved variable seepage matrix method of the compound element for unsteady seepage flow with free surface 改进的有自由面非稳定渗流分析复合单元渗透矩阵调整法
Numerical Study of Similarity of Bubbles Induced by UNDEX near Free Surface 近自由面水下爆炸气泡相似问题的仿真研究
Experimental Research on Effects of Free Surface Quantity on Blasting Vibration Laws 自由面数量对爆破振动规律影响实验研究
Seepage free surface issue exists in analysis of the seepage concerning geotechnical slope, earth dam, underground cave and groundwater movement. 在岩土边坡、土坝、地下洞室及地下水运动等渗流分析中,均存在有渗流自由面问题。
The upper horizontal dotted line represents the free surface of the liquid at rest. 上方的水平点线,代表的是处于静止状态液体的自由表面。
Influence of free surface to the flow separation of an airfoil with a small angle of attack 自由表面对小攻角翼型流动分离特性的影响
In the Brief Analysis free Surface Numerical Control Processing the Cutting Tool way Plans 浅析自由曲面数控加工中刀具路径规划
Meanwhile, a new method for computing the boundary integration is proposed in free surface seepage field. 同时对有自由面渗流的自由面边界积分问题,提出了一种新的算法。
The surface material under the condition of half melting is compelled to flow to the reverse direction, that is none restraint free surface. Thus, the grinding triturate is formed. 由于该区内材料产生了巨大的单向反弹力,迫使已处于半熔化状态的表面材料向压力相反方向即无约束的自由表面流动,从而使磨屑形成。
Hydrodynamic Analysis of Limited Waters with Free Surface Effect under Slamming of a Flat-bottom Structure with Parallel Algorithm 利用并行算法分析平底结构砰击作用下具有自由表面水域的水动力特性
Based on the practice project of Qingcaosha reservoir in Yangtze estuary, the vertical two dimensional flows with free surface at the closure gap were computed. 以长江口青草沙水库主龙口施工过程为背景,在给定上下游不同水位差的情况下,对龙口垂向二维流动进行了数值模拟。